WiFi Tally is a wireless light system, fully compatible with any switcher from blackmagic and affordable tally light system on the market today

It does not need any additional control unit or running any additional program in the PC.


WiFi Tally Light is 100% IP-based and connects over a standard WiFi network to blackmagic Atem switcher


WiFi Tally lights is the most compact and affordable wireless tally system on the market today

Simply to use

WiFi Tally lights work together and communicate directly to the switcher, there is no separate base station or running program/server on pc

Connection of devices

WiFi tally schema


Most frequent answers and questions

The WiFi Lights connect over WiFi, so you need a wireless access point connected to the switcher network. Connect each WiFi Light to your computer or smartphone via WiFi to set up network credentials, IP addresses and camera input number (download maual) pripoja k Vašej réžii prostredníctvom WiFi siete. Potrebujete mať preto bezdrôtový prístupový bod (bežný WiFi router), ku ktorému je zapojená aj réžia Atem prostredníctvom lan kábla. WiFiTally svetlá nepotrebujú žiadnu riadiacu jednotku, ani spustený nejaký obslužný program v počítači. 

You can use as max 4pcs  WiFit tally lights as your setup requires

All you need is a decent wireless access point to set up a stable 2.4Ghz b/g/n WiFi network, connected to your switcher WiFi router You also need some powerbank, or a USB power source for each WiFi Light.

Dosah do značnej miery závisí od výkonu bezdrôtového prístupového bodu a akýchkoľvek prítomných fyzických prekážok, ale je podobný ako pri iných zariadeniach pripojených k rovnakej sieti, ako sú telefóny a tablety. V prípade potreby možno rozsah jednoducho rozšíriť pridaním ďalších prístupových bodov do siete. V prípade kombinácie s naším prednasaveným routrom, je najlepšia možnosť na rozšírenie siete použiť rozširujúci systém Mesh.

Chceli sme, aby WiFi svetlá boli čo najmenšie a najľahšie, bez toho, aby vás obmedzovali v pohybe. Poskytuje vám tiež slobodu pri výbere najoptimálnejšieho zdroja energie pre vaše nastavenie. Mnohé fotoaparáty majú nejakú formu napájacieho výstupu, napríklad port USB, ktorý možno použiť na napájanie svetla WiFiTally.


Where to buy?

One option is to use the purchase directly in our WiFi Tally e-shop.

You can also purchase WiFi Tally in the European network of the official Syntex distributor.

European union



Česká republika



    Billing address & details:

    WiFi Tally wireless light system
    putsko.com, s.r.o.
    Zápotočná 959/45
    02801 Trstená, Slovakia

    Tel.: +421 905 879107 (speach only Slovak)
    Email: info@wifitally.eu

    After years of experience in the video field (read: shoot the action, edit and submit to a medium), I started looking for something new, what a teenager would call a new level. That level was starting a new phase of my business, which is multi-camera live video production and live streaming as liveproduction.skAt first quite a nice idea, but after not appreciating all the technology I had sweated, I cooled down a bit. Since I don't collect franchise fees, so I don't have a budget like rtvs, I had to figure a few things out and it worked. Of course, some things just don't get made. You can't make video cameras, tripods, or editing cards from blackmagic, .... buy : ).

    So the equipment was completed, everything was set up and sweaty with stress we gave the first action. Great, but with practice one finds out what everything is still missing to perfection ... Tally lights! However, when you start looking around on the web for different Tally lights and you also have some specific requirements (my requirements : wireless transmission, sufficient range, powered by a power bank, small weight and dimensions), you will either find nothing or prepare yourself a few hundred euros. So we scratched our heads and the WifiTally.eu project was born.